Denim Jumpsuit | OOTD

4:06 PM

Nadira037 | Denim Jumpsuit OOTD

This look combines all of my faves. Leopard, blazers and jumpsuits oh my! I have a serious affinity for jumpsuits and this denim jumpsuit screamed  "Nadira you have to wear me"!  When I saw it online here at Alloy I was in love. Head over heels in love when I saw they had it in tall!

I paired this look with one of the turban styles from my 10 Turban/Head Wrap Style in 10 Minutes tutorial here. It's pretty clear I'm a fan of leopard and I try to add it to every look so I also wore a leopard maxi hijab around my neck.

Denim Jumpsuit | Turban

I completed the look with a crisp white boyfriend blazer from Forever21, plain patent black pumps(sorry I don't remember where they're from) and my quilted belt bag is from NastyGal.

Denim Jumpsuit and Leopard

My bracelets and rings are all from Forever21 too. My necklace is from Charlotte Russe and my earrings are from my new fave spot CitiTrends.

Leave me a comment below and let me know what you think of this look. How would you style a denim jumpsuit? Thanks so much for reading! As always feel free to share!

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  1. hi apparently there is no post about the ankara kouture giveaway so im just gonna comment here
    i really like the fake septum ring ive been looking for one for ages
    unfortuntely septum rings are no where to be found in my country and those i found online dont ship to my country! :(

    so im really really glad and excited that this giveaway is open internationally i really hope i win
    fingers crossed! x

    btw i like the intention of this blog! very meaningful and helpful at the same time

