
Ch Ch Ch Chia! | Chia Seeds | Why you should eat them

5:00 AM

What are chia seeds?

Chia seeds are the same seeds used in chia pets. They come from a flowering plant in the mint family that's native to Mexico and Guatemala. They are a tiny little seed, that come in either white, dark brown or a black color.

Why add them to your diet?

They are a super seed. The chia seeds are “super” because they deliver the maximum amount of nutrients with minimum calories.

 Chia seeds have been shown to improve blood pressure in diabetics, and may also increase healthy cholesterol.

A 28-gram or one-ounce serving of chia has 11 grams of dietary fiber, about a third of the recommended daily intake for adults.  Adding chia to your diet is an easy way to make sure you're getting a good amount of fiber, which is important for digestive health.

Chia seeds are packed with omega-3 fatty acids, with nearly five grams in a one-ounce serving. These fats are important for overall brain health. 

They help keep you satiated. Between the protein, fiber and gelling they will help keep you full in between meals.

They can be digested whole. Unlike flax seeds that need to ground in order for you to get all of their health benefits.

 Chia seeds contain Tryptophan, an amino acid found in turkey. Tryptophan is responsible for the feeling of wanting take a nap after a big Thanksgiving dinner a.k.a. "ittis".  It also helps regulate appetite, sleep and improve overall mood.

Ways to incorporate them in your diet 

There are a variety of ways to add them to your diet. You can sprinkle them on your salad, make chia seed pudding, use them to make fresh jam, add them to a green smoothie or grind them in a mortar and use them in baking i.e. muffins/cake. One of my favorite ways to add chia seeds to my diet is in overnight oats in ajar, click here for my recipe. Be warned that they do become gelatinous when added to liquid. It's said that they have a nutty flavor although I don't find them to have much flavor at all.

Where to find them

Most health food stores like Whole Foods or Trader Joe's carry them. They are usually sold in a plastic bag or by the pound. You can even find them at your local drug stores like CVS or Walgreen's. If you can't find them there head on over to Amazon and pick them up.

Leave me a comment and let me know what are some of your favorite ways to add chia seeds to your diet. Of course, as always feel free to share this post.

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  1. I never new all this. Thanks so much for the informative post. I will definitely see if I can find some to use.

    1. No problem, let me know what you think when you try them. :-)


  2. Sáng sớm hôm nay, Vương Lâm từ trong trạng thái nhập đỉnh tỉnh lại. Hắn hít một hơi thật sâu, lẩm bẩm nói:

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    Nhưng bây giờ, thi thể con dã thú đã biến mất, hiển nhiên là bị kéo và sâu trong đống đổ nát.

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