Overnight Oats | Ooiaj | Almond Joy

4:00 AM

Nadira037 | Almond Joy Overnight Oats | Ooiaj

I love overnight oats in a jar(ooiaj)! They are delicious and so easy to make. Click here for a another ooiaj recipe. Today I thought I would share a recipe with you that is yummy, perfect for suhoor or a quick healthy breakfast on the go. Today's recipe is for Almond Joy overnight oats. Below is a list of the ingredients and measurements that I used but feel free to change it up and make the recipe your own. You can also watch the video below or you can click here if you can't see it.

1/2 cut of old fashion oats
1 cup of un sweetened almond milk
Walden Farms zero calorie pancake syrup to taste
1/2 tbsp of chia seeds
1/2 tbsp of unsweetened cocoa powder
1 tbsp of unsweetened coconut flakes
1 tbsp of almond butter

Mix all of the above ingredients together in a container and let it sit in the refrigerator for 3 hours up to overnight. No need to cook this, the oats soften by absorbing all the liquid. In the morning you can add your toppings.


1 tbsp of sliced almonds
20 semi sweet chocolate chip*
a few shreds of toasted unsweetened coconut 
sprinkle a few more chia seeds on top
*I normally don't add the chocolate chips but since I'm fasting(I won't be eating while the sun is up) it won't really hurt.

**454 Calories
35 carbs
31 fat
12 protein
408 sodium
12 sugar
**calculations from MyFitnessPal.com

Have you tried overnight oats before? What's your fave combo/recipe? I hope you all enjoy this recipe. If you try it out or any other flavor combination tag me @nadira037 with #nadira037 on instagramFacebook and Twitter so I can see. Thanx for reading and as always feel free to share.

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